Serve and Smash

Tactical Problem: How do you speed up the play? What is the fastest way to put the birdie down on the court?
Skill Development: Reacting to a serve and executing a smash.

Teaching Points:


  • Non-racquet arm up (aiming, balance, trunk rotation)
  • Racket arm extension.
  • Snap the wrist.
  • Hit down.
  • Weight transfer.
  • Follow through, and back to ready position.
  • Outcome: high and deep.
Underhand Serve:
  • Drop birdie with extended non-racquet arm.
  • Racket arm extension.
  • Weight transfer (step through).
  • Snap the wrist.
  • Follow through, and back to ready position.

  • Outcome: high and deep.
Diagram :


Organizational Points:
  • In pairs.
  • One partner underhand serves from the other side of the net to the middle of the court where the other partner will smash it back.